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Play Park sign up!
Are you a current Hyde Bark customer?
It is important for the safety of all the dogs at the Play Park that every pup is fully vaccinated before attending. I confirm that my dog is at least four months old and has received all of their vaccinations.
If your dog is over 7mos of age is your dog spayed or neutered? Please note all dogs over the age of 7mos must be spayed or neutered to attend doggy daycare
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I confirm, that to the best of my knowledge, my dog is in good health and have not harmed or shown aggression or threatening behavior towards any person or any other dog. I also agree to keep my dog home from Hyde Bark Play Park if they are showing any signs of being ill and communicate with Hyde Bark Play Park any symptoms they are showing. ct an option
I understand and agree that Hyde Bark Play Park and their staff, will not be liable for any issues that develop with my dog provided reasonable care and precautions are followed, and I hereby release Hyde Bark Play Park and their employees of any liability including but not limited to, any communicable ailments or injuries resulting from being at Hyde Bark Play Park
I understand and agree that any physical problems that develop with my dog(s) will be treated as deemed best by staff of Hyde Bark Play Park, in their sole discretion, and that I assume full financial responsibility for any and all expenses involved. This includes, but is not limited to, veterinary treatment for illnesses and injuries, whether minor or serious.
I agree to keep my dog up to date on all of the required vaccinations and preventive care required by Hyde Bark Play Park. I will provide proof of current vaccinations by uploading them to my Time to Pet account, or email. I agree that Hyde Bark Play Park may contact my Veterinarian at any time to request proof of vaccination and/or to discuss any health concerns relating to my dog
I confirm that if my dog is over 7 months of age my dog is spayed or neutered. Unfixed dogs cannot attend Hyde Bark Play Park

​Thank you and we will be in touch soon! Note: if you do not hear from us within a few days, check your email's spam/junk folder!

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